For more than 30 years, I have sought the elusive photo, where time,
light, and subject, come together as one and make you stop and look
at a photo as more than a snapshot, but as a recording of a unique
moment in time that has been preserved in a special way. I am always
looking and observing animate and inanimate objects to see if they
have a special message to leave behind. The one thing that photography
has instilled, is that by looking at my surroundings for a photo opportunity,
it has forced me to slow down enough to not only “smell the
roses”, but to photograph them as well.
By turning down the volume on everyday mundane pressures, it has allowed
me to see much more of the beauty that exists in everyday objects.
Having been in the business world, it is not until recently that I
have found the time to exhibit my work on the west coast, and now
on the east coast, for the first time. Currently there are photos
available at "Thyme in The Ranch" and The Rancho Santa Fe Tennis Club", and Dr. Clayton Lawsons offices in Encinitas.
Any and all comments are always welcomed.
you for taking the time to view my images.
Bob Snell
E-Mail Bob at :Bob Snell Photography